I’ve always wanted to start a blog or news page or knowledge base to share information and ideas. My problem was I couldn’t select a topic to create a website about. So instead of not creating anything until I could narrow in on a topic I decided to make a website based on whatever news and information I decide to write articles about and we’ll see where it goes.
This site will cover news and information on a variety of topics probably including but not limited to, Finance, Economics, Crypto, Government, Law, Science, Big Ideas and definitely Minecraft. There will definitely be lots of Minecraft, but there will also be other random topics not listed as well.
The name Toga Times is derived from a college like Toga Party as a news / periodical but with a clean spin by using the best figure symbols in the world wearing togas, Lady Justice and Lady Liberty.
Hope you enjoy the Toga Party containing a fun variety of news, ideas and just awesome stuff.